
Monday, October 25, 2010

The Black Hole of 2010

I officially christen this year as the black hole of 2010.  Seriously, everything - this entire year - has been complicated, stressful, bumpy, rittled with disappointment and like climbing a mountain - barefoot.  Now, I am not some dreamy idealist who thought life was going to be a cake walk.  Its about ups and downs - and getting up after the downs.  But seriously, I'm pretty sure we haven't had a month where some major, stressful event hasn't drastically impacted our day to day lives.   Like I said, I am under no illusion that life is easy.  But, I was kinda hoping for some easy things.  You know - some things are really hard but some are easy.  Somehow, 2010 has been a year of every single area of our life is a struggle.  Nine weeks left - can I make it?  If we're talking literally, then yes, I believe I'll see the year 2011 unless I die or Christ returns.  If we're talking figuratively, then no, I cannot promise that I'll be sane at the end of the year. The possibility of me withdrawing completely into a fetal position consuming only chocolate ice cream for nourishment is daily becoming increasingly likely. 

In all seriousness, its been a very hard year.  If I could just trade it in, I think I would.  This year, the good did not outweigh the bad.  It was hard, every area of our life has huge obstacles in front of us right now.  Last year was so different.  Our struggles were different, life was simpler and just - less.  Simpler.  Less.  Better.  This is my aim for 2011.  Simpler.  Better.  (Less sucky.)


  1. I love you girl. This year has sucked for you. People always say a lot of encouraging things to make it seem better, but it has been pretty bad. SO, Ill just tell you I absolutely agree with you and I'm praying for nine weeks from now with a new year and a new start for you.

  2. Praying for you guys, and thinking about you!
