
Saturday, July 30, 2011


Seriously, my brain might explode.  And I'm one of the three people who were in the meeting that understood what all those investment bankers were talking about.  I know what a mutual fund is.  I actually picked the funds to invest in (without closing my eyes and pointing).  But I'm still spending my afternoon looking over forms and trying to decide if we even can make it work to save 5-15% of our income for retirement.  Roth?  403b?  Which to contribute to, and who comes first?

Apparently this is what I do on a Saturday when my husband is 1000 miles away.

I need more diet coke.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Another Day Another Dollar

C.O.P. is here again.  That's Avant's Candidate Orientation Program for all those not fluent in 'Avant speak.'  What is this?  Our two week boot camp for all those hoping to serve as full time missionaries with Avant.  My department coordinates and puts on this event twice a year, in January and July.  This is my 5th round of COP and I'm pretty sure I've got it down by now.

I ended Day 1 with some of Al's cooking. (Serious, I gained ten pounds when I attended COP as a hopeful missionary.)  Then, I'll headed home to collapse in a food coma on the couch.  A 30 minutes power nap followed.  So maybe that's why I was up til 1 a.m.?

But, since I didn't complete mess anything up, or hand out outdated schedules, and everyone made it to their interviews, I'm considering the day a success.

How's Day 2 going?  I need caffeine.

A thought from today.

I heard some of the following quotes concerning Short Cycle Church Planting today.  Food for thought.

"True, 150% community, living itself out in a cross cultural setting:  Short Cycle Church Planting

"None of us have ever been a part of a team to the extent of a SCCP team."

Challenging, humbling, the hardest work we've ever done.  It will not always be fun.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ministry Blog

God has really been working behind the scenes throughout our deputation, but in June we got to see some of His results.

Want some details on our ministry?  Check out our ministry blog to see an update on this whole missionary thing.

My Base

Having a home base is a wonderful feeling.  When you can retreat to the people who know you and love you best.  You can rest in the comfort and safety of home.  You won't be rejected here.  Well, more often than not, I think this Home Base is made up of people. What if your people are scattered to the winds?

We visited our base this weekend.  Some of our dearest friends, who we met during college and now live in Phoenix.  It was a feeling that can't really be explained by words.  I could vent my problems, and be understood.  Each one of us was lonely in our new cities.  Struggling to make friends as we're surrounded by opposite thinking.  Not fitting in.  Lonely in a crowded room.  Climbing uphill and wondering why on earth God brought us to this point.  

There were no blank stares in Phoenix.  They get what I'm talking about.  They are right there with me, feeling the same things.  In our heartache we were bonded once again.  No amount of distance, whether today or a year from now, will keep us from returning to our Base.